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" + "Each egg contains 1 random dancing Gbob that you can use as your avatar in game!"; a.setAttribute("data-sticker-text", c); } } ; window._$1S = function(a, d) { if (!(a in window._$31)) { return -1; } var b = new window._$31[a](); b._$1y(); var c = document.cE2("div", "dancer-static-c"); c.appendChild(b.container); d.appendChild(c); } ; window._$1q = function(b) { var c = b + "r"; var a = window._$2Y(c, b); a.prototype._$2d = function() { this._$1F("Rainbow " +; this._$2G.classList.add("dancer-rainbow"); } ; return a; } ; window._$3t = function(b) { var c = b + "rr"; var a = window._$2Y(c, b); a.prototype._$2d = function() { this._$1F("Rainbow " +; this._$2G.classList.add("dancer-rainbow"); var a = this._$b(); var b = document.cE2("div", "dancer-rainbow"); b.appendChild(a); this.container._$2f(b); a.classList.add("dancer-blurglow"); } ; return a; } ; window._$2e = function(b) { var c = b + "r2"; var a = window._$2Y(c, b); a.prototype._$2d = function() { this._$1F("Rainbow " +; var a = this._$b(); var b = document.cE2("div", "dancer-rainbow"); b.appendChild(a); this.container._$2f(b); a.classList.add("dancer-blurglow"); } ; return a; } ; window._$14 = function(c, d) { for (var a = 1; a <= 7; a++) { var e = c + a; var b = window._$2Y(e, c); b.prototype._$35 = a; b.prototype._$C = function() { this._$2v(this._$2R + " \n Alt color #" + this._$35); this._$2G.classList.add("dancer-colorswap-" + this._$35); } ; d(b); } } ; window._$2Y = function(a, b) { window._$31[a] = function() {} ; window._$i(window._$31[a], window._$31[b]); window._$31[a].prototype.type = a; return window._$31[a]; } ; window._$2j = function() {} ; window._$2j.prototype._$1Q = function(a) { this.plp = a; } ; window._$ = -1; window._$2j.prototype._$3o = -1; window._$2j.prototype.type = -1; window._$2j.prototype._$3A = -1; window._$2j.prototype._$1b = false; window._$2j.prototype._$O = function() { var a = window._$17._$2I; if (!(this._$3A in a)) { return true; } if ("base"in a[this._$3A] && a[this._$3A]["base"]._$1I) { this._$z(["base"]); this._$m = true; } if (this._$m == false) { setTimeout(this._$O.bind(this), 200); } } ; window._$2j.prototype._$1y = function() { this.plp = -1; this._$1b = true; this._$24(); this._$m = false; this._$O(); } ; window._$2j.prototype._$24 = function() { this.container = document.cE2("div", "dancer-c"); this._$5 = []; this._$2G = this._$t(); this._$2N(); this._$C(); this._$2d(); this._$21(); this._$1A = ""; this._$4 = true; } ; window._$2j.prototype._$1F = function(a) { = a; this.container.setAttribute("x-sticker", true); this.container.setAttribute("data-sticker-title", a); } ; window._$2j.prototype._$2v = function(a) { this._$3o = a; this.container.setAttribute("x-sticker", true); this.container.setAttribute("data-sticker-text", a); } ; window._$2j.prototype._$t = function() { var a = document.cE2("canvas", "dancer"); a.height = 22; a.width = 16; this.container.appendChild(a); this._$5.push(a); return a; } ; window._$2j.prototype._$b = function() { var a = document.cE2("canvas", "dancer"); a.height = 22; a.width = 16; this.container._$2f(a); this._$5.push(a); return a; } ; window._$2j.prototype._$N = function(c) { var b = ""; for (var a = 0; a < c.length; a++) { b += c[a] + "-"; } return b; } ; window._$2j.prototype._$z = function(d) { var e = this._$N(d); if (e != this._$1A || this._$4 == false) { this._$1A = e; var c = -1; for (var a = 0; a < this._$5.length; a++) { var b = this._$5[a]; if (c == -1) { this._$4 = this._$c(b, d); c = b; } else { this._$q(c, b); } } } } ; window._$2j.prototype._$q = function(c, a) { var b = a.getContext('2d'); b.clearRect(0, 0, a.width, a.height); b.drawImage(c, 0, 0); } ; window._$2j.prototype._$c = function(d, e) { var a = window._$17._$2I; if (!(this._$3A in a)) { return true; } var f = d.getContext('2d'); f.clearRect(0, 0, d.width, d.height); var g = true; for (var c = 0; c < e.length; c++) { var b = e[c]; if (b in a[this._$3A] && a[this._$3A][b]._$1I) { f.drawImage(a[this._$3A][b], 0, 0); } else { g = false; } } return g; } ; window._$2j.prototype._$k = function(b) { var a = this._$20(); this._$z(a); } ; window._$2j.prototype._$20 = function() { return ""; } ; window._$2j.prototype._$2N = function() {} ; window._$2j.prototype._$C = function() {} ; window._$2j.prototype._$2d = function() {} ; window._$2j.prototype._$21 = function() {} ; var e = {}; window._$31 = e; window._$1Y = []; var a = function() {}; window._$i(a, _$2j); a.prototype._$2N = function() { this._$1F("Gbob"); this._$2R = "The star of the show... is you! Can you collect every kind of Gbobs?"; this._$2v(this._$2R); this._$2J = ["base", "miss", "arml0", "arml1", "armr0", "armr1", "body", "headl", "headr", "headu", "head"]; if (this._$1b == true) { this._$2J = ["base"]; } window._$17._$2W(this._$3A, this._$2J); this.plp._$2q = 0.35; this._$C(); } ; a.prototype._$1P = function() { this._$P(["base"]); } ; a.prototype._$20 = function() { return this._$2m(); } ; a.prototype._$2m = function() { var a = []; if (this.plp._$3u == 1) { a.push("miss"); return a; } a.push("body"); var b = this.plp._$1H; if (b["a"] == 0) { a.push("arml0"); } else if (b["a"] > 1) { a.push("arml1"); } if (b["f"] == 0) { a.push("armr0"); } else if (b["f"] > 1) { a.push("armr1"); } if (b["s"] > 1 && b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headu"); } else { if (b["s"] > 1) { a.push("headl"); } else if (b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headr"); } else { a.push("head"); } } return a; if (empty == true) { a.push("base"); } return a; } ; var b = "gpop"; a.prototype.type = b; a.prototype._$3A = b; window._$1Y.push(b); e[b] = a; window._$14(b, function(a) {}); window._$1q(b); window._$3t(b); var a = function() {}; window._$i(a, _$2j); a.prototype._$2N = function() { this._$1F("Simon"); this._$2R = "Simon is talented and kind-hearted, and always calm! He is Gbob's one and only childhood friend!"; this._$2v(this._$2R); this._$2J = ["base", "miss", "arml0", "arml1", "armr0", "armr1", "body", "headl", "headr", "headu", "head"]; if (this._$1b == true) { this._$2J = ["base"]; } window._$17._$2W(this._$3A, this._$2J); this.plp._$2q = 0.35; this._$C(); } ; a.prototype._$1P = function() { this._$P(["base"]); } ; a.prototype._$20 = function() { return this._$2m(); } ; a.prototype._$2m = function() { var a = []; if (this.plp._$3u == 1) { a.push("miss"); return a; } a.push("body"); var b = this.plp._$1H; if (b["a"] == 0) { a.push("arml0"); } else if (b["a"] > 1) { a.push("arml1"); } if (b["f"] == 0) { a.push("armr0"); } else if (b["f"] > 1) { a.push("armr1"); } if (b["s"] > 1 && b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headu"); } else { if (b["s"] > 1) { a.push("headl"); } else if (b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headr"); } else { a.push("head"); } } return a; if (empty == true) { a.push("base"); } return a; } ; var b = "simon"; a.prototype.type = b; a.prototype._$3A = b; window._$1Y.push(b); e[b] = a; window._$14(b, function(a) {}); window._$1q(b); var a = function() {}; window._$i(a, _$2j); a.prototype._$2N = function() { this._$1F("Jacky"); this._$2R = "Jacky is the most cheerful kid you will meet! He is playful, but be sure to know that he dreams of being a world star one day!"; this._$2v(this._$2R); this._$2J = ["base", "miss", "arml0", "arml1", "armr0", "armr1", "body", "headl", "headr", "headu", "head"]; if (this._$1b == true) { this._$2J = ["base"]; } window._$17._$2W(this._$3A, this._$2J); this.plp._$2q = 0.35; this._$C(); } ; a.prototype._$1P = function() { this._$P(["base"]); } ; a.prototype._$20 = function() { return this._$2m(); } ; a.prototype._$2m = function() { var a = []; if (this.plp._$3u == 1) { a.push("miss"); return a; } a.push("body"); var b = this.plp._$1H; if (b["a"] == 0) { a.push("arml0"); } else if (b["a"] > 1) { a.push("arml1"); } if (b["f"] == 0) { a.push("armr0"); } else if (b["f"] > 1) { a.push("armr1"); } if (b["s"] > 1 && b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headu"); } else { if (b["s"] > 1) { a.push("headl"); } else if (b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headr"); } else { a.push("head"); } } return a; if (empty == true) { a.push("base"); } return a; } ; var b = "jacky"; a.prototype.type = b; a.prototype._$3A = b; window._$1Y.push(b); e[b] = a; window._$14(b, function(a) {}); window._$1q(b); var a = function() {}; window._$i(a, _$2j); a.prototype._$2N = function() { this._$1F("Liv"); this._$2R = "The lovely Liv is on stage! Her amazing dance moves will capture every fan's heart! "; this._$2v(this._$2R); this._$2J = ["base", "body", "bodyl", "bodyl2", "bodyr", "bodyr2", "head", "headl", "headr", "headd", "headu", "bodyb"]; if (this._$1b == true) { this._$2J = ["base"]; } window._$17._$2W(this._$3A, this._$2J); this.plp._$2q = 0.35; this._$C(); } ; a.prototype._$1P = function() { this._$P(["base"]); } ; a.prototype._$20 = function() { return this._$2m(); } ; a.prototype._$2m = function() { var a = []; if (this.plp._$3u == 1) { a = ["body", "headd"]; return a; } var b = this.plp._$1H; if (b["a"] > 1 && b["f"] > 1) { a.push("bodyb"); } else { if (b["a"] > 1) { a.push("bodyl"); } else if (b["f"] > 1) { a.push("bodyr"); } else { a.push("body"); } } if (b["s"] > 1 && b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headu"); } else { if (b["s"] > 1) { a.push("headl"); } else if (b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headr"); } else { a.push("head"); } } return a; } ; var b = "liv"; a.prototype.type = b; a.prototype._$3A = b; window._$1Y.push(b); e[b] = a; window._$14(b, function(a) {}); window._$1q(b); window._$3t(b); var a = function() {}; window._$i(a, _$2j); a.prototype._$2N = function() { this._$1F("Daph"); this._$2R = "Daph is caring and resourceful! As Liv's best friend, she always makes sure Liv is alright, even though they are competing on stage! "; this._$2v(this._$2R); this._$2J = ["base", "body", "bodyl", "bodyl2", "bodyr", "bodyr2", "head", "headl", "headr", "headd", "headu", "bodyb"]; if (this._$1b == true) { this._$2J = ["base"]; } window._$17._$2W(this._$3A, this._$2J); this.plp._$2q = 0.35; this._$C(); } ; a.prototype._$1P = function() { this._$P(["base"]); } ; a.prototype._$20 = function() { return this._$2m(); } ; a.prototype._$2m = function() { var a = []; if (this.plp._$3u == 1) { a = ["body", "headd"]; return a; } var b = this.plp._$1H; if (b["a"] > 1 && b["f"] > 1) { a.push("bodyb"); } else { if (b["a"] > 1) { a.push("bodyl"); } else if (b["f"] > 1) { a.push("bodyr"); } else { a.push("body"); } } if (b["s"] > 1 && b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headu"); } else { if (b["s"] > 1) { a.push("headl"); } else if (b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headr"); } else { a.push("head"); } } return a; } ; var b = "daph"; a.prototype.type = b; a.prototype._$3A = b; window._$1Y.push(b); e[b] = a; window._$14(b, function(a) {}); window._$1q(b); var a = function() {}; window._$i(a, _$2j); a.prototype._$2N = function() { this._$1F("Eliz"); this._$2R = "Eliz is a shy kid, but on stage her charms are limitless! She always tries her hardest, and apologizes for everything! (cute!)"; this._$2v(this._$2R); this._$2J = ["base", "body", "bodyl", "bodyl2", "bodyr", "bodyr2", "head", "headl", "headr", "headd", "headu", "bodyb"]; if (this._$1b == true) { this._$2J = ["base"]; } window._$17._$2W(this._$3A, this._$2J); this.plp._$2q = 0.35; this._$C(); } ; a.prototype._$1P = function() { this._$P(["base"]); } ; a.prototype._$20 = function() { return this._$2m(); } ; a.prototype._$2m = function() { var a = []; if (this.plp._$3u == 1) { a = ["body", "headd"]; return a; } var b = this.plp._$1H; if (b["a"] > 1 && b["f"] > 1) { a.push("bodyb"); } else { if (b["a"] > 1) { a.push("bodyl"); } else if (b["f"] > 1) { a.push("bodyr"); } else { a.push("body"); } } if (b["s"] > 1 && b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headu"); } else { if (b["s"] > 1) { a.push("headl"); } else if (b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headr"); } else { a.push("head"); } } return a; } ; var b = "eliz"; a.prototype.type = b; a.prototype._$3A = b; window._$1Y.push(b); e[b] = a; window._$14(b, function(a) {}); window._$1q(b); var a = function() {}; window._$i(a, _$2j); a.prototype._$2N = function() { this._$1F("Raph"); this._$2R = "Evil Raph wants to win, and will do everything to get there! "; this._$2v(this._$2R); this._$2J = ["base", "miss", "arml0", "arml1", "armr0", "armr1", "body", "headl", "headr", "headu", "head", "wings"]; if (this._$1b == true) { this._$2J = ["base"]; } window._$17._$2W(this._$3A, this._$2J); this.plp._$2q = 0.35; var c = this._$b(); var b = document.cE2("div", "dancer-raph-extra"); var a = document.cE2("img", "dancer dancer-raph-wings"); a["src"] = "/assets/dancers/raph/wings.png"; a["height"] = 22; a["width"] = 16; b.appendChild(c); b.appendChild(a); this.container._$2f(b); c.classList.add("dancer-blurglow-red"); this._$Y = b; this._$3b = c; this._$11 = a; this._$C(); } ; a.prototype._$1P = function() { this._$P(["base"]); } ; a.prototype._$20 = function() { return this._$2m(); } ; a.prototype._$2m = function() { var a = []; if (this.plp._$3u == 1) { a.push("miss"); return a; } a.push("body"); var b = this.plp._$1H; if (b["a"] == 0) { a.push("arml0"); } else if (b["a"] > 1) { a.push("arml1"); } if (b["f"] == 0) { a.push("armr0"); } else if (b["f"] > 1) { a.push("armr1"); } if (b["s"] > 1 && b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headu"); } else { if (b["s"] > 1) { a.push("headl"); } else if (b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headr"); } else { a.push("head"); } } return a; if (empty == true) { a.push("base"); } return a; } ; var b = "raph"; a.prototype.type = b; a.prototype._$3A = b; window._$1Y.push(b); e[b] = a; for (var d = 1; d <= 3; d++) { var f = "raph" + d; var a = window._$2Y(f, "raph"); a.prototype._$35 = d; a.prototype._$C = function() { this._$2v(this._$2R + " \n Alt color #" + this._$35); this._$Y.classList.add("dancer-colorswap-" + this._$35 * 2); } ; } var a = window._$2Y("raphrr", "raph"); a.prototype._$2d = function() { this._$1F("Rainbow " +; this._$2G.classList.add("dancer-rainbow"); this._$Y.classList.add("dancer-rainbow"); this._$3b.classList.remove("dancer-blurglow-red"); this._$3b.classList.add("dancer-blurglow3"); } ; var a = function() {}; window._$i(a, _$2j); a.prototype._$2N = function() { this._$1F("Victor"); this._$2R = "Victor is the most popular dancer of the show! He is handsome, charismatic, talented and nice to everyone. Can anyone be this perfect?"; this._$2v(this._$2R); this._$2J = ["base", "miss", "arml0", "arml1", "armr0", "armr1", "body", "headl", "headr", "headu", "head", "armb"]; if (this._$1b == true) { this._$2J = ["base"]; } window._$17._$2W(this._$3A, this._$2J); this.plp._$2q = 0.35; this._$C(); } ; a.prototype._$1P = function() { this._$P(["base"]); } ; a.prototype._$20 = function() { return this._$2m(); } ; a.prototype._$2m = function() { var a = []; if (this.plp._$3u == 1) { a.push("miss"); return a; } a.push("body"); var b = this.plp._$1H; if (b["a"] > 1 && b["f"] > 1) { a.push("armb"); } else { if (b["a"] == 0) { a.push("arml0"); } else if (b["a"] > 1) { a.push("arml1"); } if (b["f"] == 0) { a.push("armr0"); } else if (b["f"] > 1) { a.push("armr1"); } } if (b["s"] > 1 && b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headu"); } else { if (b["s"] > 1) { a.push("headl"); } else if (b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headr"); } else { a.push("head"); } } return a; if (empty == true) { a.push("base"); } return a; } ; var b = "victor"; a.prototype.type = b; a.prototype._$3A = b; window._$1Y.push(b); e[b] = a; window._$14(b, function(a) {}); window._$1q(b); var a = function() {}; window._$i(a, _$2j); a.prototype._$2N = function() { this._$1F("Violet"); this._$2R = "Violet is Liv's elegant and kind-hearted older sister! When she is on stage, her beauty mesmerizes the crowd! "; this._$2v(this._$2R); this._$2J = ["base", "body", "bodyl", "bodyl2", "bodyr", "bodyr2", "head", "headl", "headr", "headd", "headu", "bodyb"]; if (this._$1b == true) { this._$2J = ["base"]; } window._$17._$2W(this._$3A, this._$2J); this.plp._$2q = 0.35; this._$C(); } ; a.prototype._$1P = function() { this._$P(["base"]); } ; a.prototype._$20 = function() { return this._$2m(); } ; a.prototype._$2m = function() { var a = []; if (this.plp._$3u == 1) { a = ["body", "headd"]; return a; } var b = this.plp._$1H; if (b["a"] > 1 && b["f"] > 1) { a.push("bodyb"); } else { if (b["a"] > 1) { a.push("bodyl"); } else if (b["f"] > 1) { a.push("bodyr"); } else { a.push("body"); } } if (b["s"] > 1 && b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headu"); } else { if (b["s"] > 1) { a.push("headl"); } else if (b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headr"); } else { a.push("head"); } } return a; } ; var b = "violet"; a.prototype.type = b; a.prototype._$3A = b; window._$1Y.push(b); e[b] = a; window._$14(b, function(a) {}); window._$1q(b); var a = function() {}; window._$i(a, _$2j); a.prototype._$2N = function() { this._$1F("Gpup"); this._$2R = "Gpop's pet, Gpup, is the world's most famous doggo! He is a good boy! "; this._$2v(this._$2R); this._$2J = ["base", "body", "bodyl", "bodyr", "miss", "head", "headl", "headr", "headd", "headu", "bodyb"]; if (this._$1b == true) { this._$2J = ["base"]; } window._$17._$2W(this._$3A, this._$2J); this.plp._$2q = 0.35; this._$C(); } ; a.prototype._$1P = function() { this._$P(["base"]); } ; a.prototype._$20 = function() { return this._$2m(); } ; a.prototype._$2m = function() { var a = []; if (this.plp._$3u == 1) { a = ["miss"]; return a; } var b = this.plp._$1H; if (b["a"] > 1 && b["f"] > 1) { a.push("bodyb"); } else { if (b["a"] > 1) { a.push("bodyl"); } else if (b["f"] > 1) { a.push("bodyr"); } else { a.push("body"); } } if (b["s"] > 1 && b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headu"); } else { if (b["s"] > 1) { a.push("headl"); } else if (b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headr"); } else { a.push("head"); } } return a; } ; var b = "gpup"; a.prototype.type = b; a.prototype._$3A = b; window._$1Y.push(b); e[b] = a; window._$14(b, function(a) {}); window._$1q(b); var a = function() {}; window._$i(a, _$2j); a.prototype._$2N = function() { this._$1F("Gaow"); this._$2R = "Gaow waits patiently for Liv in the backstage everyday. Her meows can win your heart in a second! "; this._$2v(this._$2R); this._$2J = ["base", "body", "bodyl", "bodyr", "miss", "head", "headl", "headr", "headd", "headu", "bodyb"]; if (this._$1b == true) { this._$2J = ["base"]; } window._$17._$2W(this._$3A, this._$2J); this.plp._$2q = 0.35; this._$C(); } ; a.prototype._$1P = function() { this._$P(["base"]); } ; a.prototype._$20 = function() { return this._$2m(); } ; a.prototype._$2m = function() { var a = []; if (this.plp._$3u == 1) { a = ["miss"]; return a; } var b = this.plp._$1H; if (b["s"] > 1 && b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headu"); } else { if (b["s"] > 1) { a.push("headl"); } else if (b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headr"); } else { a.push("head"); } } if (b["a"] > 1 && b["f"] > 1) { a.push("bodyb"); } else { if (b["a"] > 1) { a.push("bodyl"); } else if (b["f"] > 1) { a.push("bodyr"); } else { a.push("body"); } } return a; } ; var b = "gaow"; a.prototype.type = b; a.prototype._$3A = b; window._$1Y.push(b); e[b] = a; window._$14(b, function(a) {}); window._$1q(b); var a = function() {}; window._$i(a, _$2j); a.prototype._$2N = function() { this._$1F("Jonah"); this._$2R = "Jonah is the youngest star of the show! Everyone loves his quirky funny personality, including the Producer!"; this._$2v(this._$2R); this._$2J = ["base", "body", "bodyl", "bodyl2", "bodyr", "bodyr2", "head", "headl", "headr", "headd", "headu", "bodyb"]; if (this._$1b == true) { this._$2J = ["base"]; } window._$17._$2W(this._$3A, this._$2J); this.plp._$2q = 0.35; this._$C(); } ; a.prototype._$1P = function() { this._$P(["base"]); } ; a.prototype._$20 = function() { return this._$2m(); } ; a.prototype._$2m = function() { var a = []; if (this.plp._$3u == 1) { a = ["body", "headd"]; return a; } var b = this.plp._$1H; if (b["a"] > 1 && b["f"] > 1) { a.push("bodyb"); } else { if (b["a"] > 1) { a.push("bodyl"); } else if (b["f"] > 1) { a.push("bodyr"); } else { a.push("body"); } } if (b["s"] > 1 && b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headu"); } else { if (b["s"] > 1) { a.push("headl"); } else if (b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headr"); } else { a.push("head"); } } return a; } ; var b = "jonah"; a.prototype.type = b; a.prototype._$3A = b; window._$1Y.push(b); e[b] = a; window._$14(b, function(a) {}); window._$1q(b); var a = function() {}; window._$i(a, _$2j); a.prototype._$2N = function() { this._$1F("Lisa"); this._$2R = "Lisa is Eliz's twin sister. She loves smoothies and always gets one for her and her sister! (cute!)"; this._$2v(this._$2R); this._$2J = ["base", "body", "bodyl", "bodyl2", "bodyr", "bodyr2", "head", "headl", "headr", "headd", "headu", "bodyb"]; if (this._$1b == true) { this._$2J = ["base"]; } window._$17._$2W(this._$3A, this._$2J); this.plp._$2q = 0.35; this._$C(); } ; a.prototype._$1P = function() { this._$P(["base"]); } ; a.prototype._$20 = function() { return this._$2m(); } ; a.prototype._$2m = function() { var a = []; if (this.plp._$3u == 1) { a = ["body", "headd"]; return a; } var b = this.plp._$1H; if (b["a"] > 1 && b["f"] > 1) { a.push("bodyb"); } else { if (b["a"] > 1) { a.push("bodyl2"); } else if (b["f"] > 1) { a.push("bodyr2"); } else { a.push("body"); } } if (b["s"] > 1 && b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headu"); } else { if (b["s"] > 1) { a.push("headl"); } else if (b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headr"); } else { a.push("head"); } } return a; } ; var b = "lisa"; a.prototype.type = b; a.prototype._$3A = b; window._$1Y.push(b); e[b] = a; window._$14(b, function(a) {}); window._$1q(b); var a = function() {}; window._$i(a, _$2j); a.prototype._$2N = function() { this._$1F("Gachu"); this._$2R = "What?! A wild Gachu appeared! Its electrifying charms makes it the brightest on the stage!"; this._$2v(this._$2R); this._$2J = ["base", "body", "bodyl", "bodyr", "head", "headl", "headr", "miss", "headu", "bodyb", "special"]; if (this._$1b == true) { this._$2J = ["base"]; } window._$17._$2W(this._$3A, this._$2J); this.plp._$2q = 0.35; = document.cE2("div", "dancer-gachu-bg"); this.container._$2f(; this._$C(); } ; a.prototype._$2d = function() {} ; a.prototype._$1P = function() { this._$P(["base"]); } ; a.prototype._$20 = function() { return this._$2m(); } ; a.prototype._$2m = function() { var a = []; if (this.plp._$3u == 1) { a = ["miss"]; return a; } var b = this.plp._$1H; if (b["a"] > 1 && b["f"] > 1 && b["s"] > 1 && b["d"] > 1) { a = ["special"]; return a; } if (b["a"] > 1 && b["f"] > 1) { a.push("bodyb"); } else { if (b["a"] > 1) { a.push("bodyl"); } else if (b["f"] > 1) { a.push("bodyr"); } else { a.push("body"); } } if (b["s"] > 1 && b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headu"); } else { if (b["s"] > 1) { a.push("headl"); } else if (b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headr"); } else { a.push("head"); } } return a; } ; var b = "gachu"; a.prototype.type = b; a.prototype._$3A = b; window._$1Y.push(b); e[b] = a; for (var d = 1; d <= 3; d++) { var f = "gachu" + d; var a = window._$2Y(f, "gachu"); a.prototype._$35 = d; a.prototype._$C = function() { this._$2v(this._$2R + " \n Bubble color #" + this._$35);"dancer-colorswap-" + (this._$35 * 2 - 1)); } ; } var a = window._$2Y("gachur2", "gachu"); a.prototype._$2d = function() { this._$1F("Rainbow " +;"dancer-gachu-bg-rainbow"); } ; var a = function() {}; window._$i(a, _$2j); a.prototype._$2N = function() { this._$1F("Niften"); this._$2R = "Oh Niften, he should be at work right now making hats! But dancing? " + "who knows what kinds of things he does to avoid work. \n Created by @FishHatter"; this._$2v(this._$2R); this._$2J = ["base", "body", "bodyl", "bodyr", "head", "headl", "headr", "miss", "headu", "bodyb"]; if (this._$1b == true) { this._$2J = ["base"]; } window._$17._$2W(this._$3A, this._$2J); this.plp._$2q = 0.35; var a = this._$b(); var b = document.cE2("div", "dancer-raph-extra"); b.appendChild(a); this.container._$2f(b); a.classList.add("dancer-blurglow-red"); this._$Y = b; this._$3b = a; this._$C(); } ; a.prototype._$1P = function() { this._$P(["base"]); } ; a.prototype._$20 = function() { return this._$2m(); } ; a.prototype._$2m = function() { var a = []; if (this.plp._$3u == 1) { a = ["miss"]; return a; } var b = this.plp._$1H; if (b["a"] > 1 && b["f"] > 1) { a.push("bodyb"); } else { if (b["a"] > 1) { a.push("bodyl"); } else if (b["f"] > 1) { a.push("bodyr"); } else { a.push("body"); } } if (b["s"] > 1 && b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headu"); } else { if (b["s"] > 1) { a.push("headl"); } else if (b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headr"); } else { a.push("head"); } } return a; } ; var b = "niften"; a.prototype.type = b; a.prototype._$3A = b; window._$1Y.push(b); e[b] = a; for (var d = 1; d <= 3; d++) { var f = "niften" + d; var a = window._$2Y(f, "niften"); a.prototype._$35 = d; a.prototype._$C = function() { this._$2v(this._$2R + " \n Alt color #" + this._$35); this._$2G.classList.add("dancer-colorswap-" + this._$35 * 2); this._$Y.classList.add("dancer-colorswap-" + this._$35 * 2); } ; } var a = window._$2Y("niftenrr", "niften"); a.prototype._$2d = function() { this._$1F("Rainbow " +; this._$2G.classList.add("dancer-rainbow"); this._$Y.classList.add("dancer-rainbow"); this._$3b.classList.remove("dancer-blurglow-red"); this._$3b.classList.add("dancer-blurglow3"); } ; var a = function() {}; window._$i(a, _$2j); a.prototype._$2N = function() { this._$1F("Spinasson"); this._$2R = "A gbob of @Spinasson by himself. If you think it's cute, reconsider this opinion. The thing that is on this gbob is actually garbage... Or is it a donut! :D"; this._$2v(this._$2R); this._$2J = ["base", "miss", "arml0", "arml1", "armr0", "armr1", "body", "headl", "headr", "headu", "head"]; if (this._$1b == true) { this._$2J = ["base"]; } window._$17._$2W(this._$3A, this._$2J); this.plp._$2q = 0.35; var a = this._$b(); var b = document.cE2("div", "dancer-raph-extra"); b.appendChild(a); this.container._$2f(b); a.classList.add("dancer-blurglow-red"); this._$Y = b; this._$3b = a; this._$C(); } ; a.prototype._$1P = function() { this._$P(["base"]); } ; a.prototype._$20 = function() { return this._$2m(); } ; a.prototype._$2m = function() { var a = []; if (this.plp._$3u == 1) { a.push("miss"); return a; } a.push("body"); var b = this.plp._$1H; if (b["a"] == 0) { a.push("arml0"); } else if (b["a"] > 1) { a.push("arml1"); } if (b["f"] == 0) { a.push("armr0"); } else if (b["f"] > 1) { a.push("armr1"); } if (b["s"] > 1 && b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headu"); } else { if (b["s"] > 1) { a.push("headl"); } else if (b["d"] > 1) { a.push("headr"); } else { a.push("head"); } } return a; if (empty == true) { a.push("base"); } return a; } ; var b = "spinasson"; a.prototype.type = b; a.prototype._$3A = b; window._$1Y.push(b); e[b] = a; for (var d = 1; d <= 3; d++) { var f = "spinasson" + d; var a = window._$2Y(f, "spinasson"); a.prototype._$35 = d; a.prototype._$C = function() { this._$2v(this._$2R + " \n Alt color #" + this._$35); this._$2G.classList.add("dancer-colorswap-" + this._$35 * 2); this._$Y.classList.add("dancer-colorswap-" + this._$35 * 2); } ; } var a = window._$2Y("spinassonrr", "spinasson"); a.prototype._$2d = function() { this._$1F("Nuclear " +; this._$2G.classList.add("dancer-rainbow"); this._$Y.classList.add("dancer-rainbow"); this._$3b.classList.remove("dancer-blurglow-red"); this._$3b.classList.add("dancer-blurglow3"); } ; document.cE = document.createElement; document._$2t = document.getElementById; document._$Z = function(a) { return document.querySelector('.' + a); } ; window._$F = function(a) { var b = document.cE2("div", "profilepage-inv-c"); 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} )(navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera); return a; } ; window._$ = _$1w._$6(); window._$1w._$T = function(a) { a = a.toLowerCase(); if (a.length < 4) { return false; } if (a.length > 32) { return false; } if (window._$1w._$1m(a) != a) { return false; } return true; } ; window._$1w._$1m = function(a, b) { if (typeof b == "undefined") { b = true; } var a = window._$1w.unescape(a); a = a.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/g, "").substring(0, 32); if (b == true && a == "") { a = _$1w._$2X(); } return a; } ; window._$1w.unescape = function(b) { var a = ""; try { a = decodeURIComponent(b); } catch (c) { a = b; } return a; } ; window._$1w._$2X = function() { return "anon" + window._$1w._$2K(5); } ; window._$1w._$2K = function(f) { var c = '0123456789'; var g = c.length; var d = ""; var a = 0; var e = g - 1; for (var b = 0; b < f; b++) { d += c[Math.floor(Math.random() * (e - a + 1) + a)]; } return d; } ; window._$1w._$29 = function(a) { var b = /[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]+/.test(a); return b; } ; window._$1w._$n = function(f) { var c = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; var g = c.length; var d = (new Date).getTime().toString(); var a = 0; var e = g - 1; for (var b = 0; b < f; b++) { d += c[Math.floor(Math.random() * (e - a + 1) + a)]; } return d; } ; window._$1w.round = function(b, a) { return +(Math.round(b + "e+" + a) + "e-" + a); } ; window._$1w._$3f = function(f, g, a) { if (typeof a == "undefined") { a = 0; } var b = []; for (var e = 0; e < g; e++) { var c = []; for (var d = 0; d < f; d++) { c.push(a); } b.push(c); } return b; } ; window._$1w._$26 = function(a) { if (a.length == 4) { return "rgba(" + parseInt(a[0]) + "," + parseInt(a[1]) + "," + parseInt(a[2]) + "," + window._$1w.round(a[3], 4) + ")"; } if (a.length == 3) { return "rgb(" + parseInt(a[0]) + "," + parseInt(a[1]) + "," + parseInt(a[2]) + ")"; } } ; window._$1w._$p = function(a) { return "rgb(" + parseInt(a[0]) + "," + parseInt(a[1]) + "," + parseInt(a[2]) + ")"; } ; window._$1w._$3i = function(a) { if (a[0] === '#') { if (a.length < 7) { a = '#' + a[1] + a[1] + a[2] + a[2] + a[3] + a[3] + (a.length > 4 ? a[4] + a[4] : ''); } return [parseInt(a.substr(1, 2), 16), parseInt(a.substr(3, 2), 16), parseInt(a.substr(5, 2), 16), a.length > 7 ? parseInt(a.substr(7, 2), 16) / 255 : 1]; } if (a.indexOf('rgb') === 0) { if (a.indexOf('rgba') === -1) a += ',1'; return a.match(/[\.\d]+/g).map(function(a) { return +a; }); } } ; window._$1w._$1t = function(b, a) { return !(a.l > b.r || a.r < b.l || a.t > b.b || a.b < b.t); } ; window._$1w._$S = function(a, d, c, b) { return !(c > d || b < a); } ; window._$1w._$2F = function(b, a) { return !(a.x > b.x + b.width || a.x + a.width < b.x || a.y > b.y + b.height || a.y + a.height < b.y); } ; window._$1w._$H = function(a, b) { if (a.length > b) { a = a.slice(a.length - b); } return a; } ; window._$1w._$3v = function(c, e) { var b = []; var d = function(c, a, d) { a[c] = 1; for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) { if (a[b] == 0) { return 0; } } d(); }; for (var a = 0; a < c.length; a++) { b.push(0); window._$1w._$2C(c[a], d.bind(null, a, b, e)); } } ; window._$1w._$2C = function(c, b) { var d = document.head; var a = document.createElement('script'); a.type = 'text/javascript'; a.src = c; a.onreadystatechange = b; a.onload = b; d.appendChild(a); } ; window._$1w._$1Z = function(a) { return +(Math.round(a + "e+1") + "e-1"); } ; window._$1w._$3z = function(a) { return +(Math.round(a + "e+2") + "e-2"); } ; window._$1w._$1G = function(a) { return +(Math.round(a + "e+3") + "e-3"); } ; window._$1w._$1s = function(a) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(a)); } ; window._$1w.distance = function(b, a) { return Math.pow(Math.pow(b, 2) + Math.pow(a, 2), 0.5); } ; window._$1w._$3F = function(a) { c =; if (c > -1) { return true; } return false; } ; window._$1w._$1B = function() { return _$1w._$3F("Firefox"); } ; window._$1w._$y = function(a, b) { a = a.replace(/^\s*#|\s*$/g, ''); if (a.length == 3) { a = a.replace(/(.)/g, '$1$1'); } var c = parseInt(a.substr(0, 2), 16) , d = parseInt(a.substr(2, 2), 16) , e = parseInt(a.substr(4, 2), 16); return '#' + ((0 | (1 << 8) + c + (256 - c) * b / 100).toString(16)).substr(1) + ((0 | (1 << 8) + d + (256 - d) * b / 100).toString(16)).substr(1) + ((0 | (1 << 8) + e + (256 - e) * b / 100).toString(16)).substr(1); } ; window._$1w._$2x = function(d, c, b, e, f, a, j, g) { if (typeof g === 'undefined') { g = true; } if (typeof a === 'undefined') { a = 5; } if (typeof a === 'number') { a = { tl: a, tr: a, br: a, bl: a }; } else { var i = { tl: 0, tr: 0, br: 0, bl: 0 }; for (var h in i) { a[h] = a[h] || i[h]; } } d.beginPath(); d.moveTo(c +, b); d.lineTo(c + e -, b); d.quadraticCurveTo(c + e, b, c + e, b +; d.lineTo(c + e, b + f -; d.quadraticCurveTo(c + e, b + f, c + e -, b + f); d.lineTo(c +, b + f); d.quadraticCurveTo(c, b + f, c, b + f -; d.lineTo(c, b +; d.quadraticCurveTo(c, b, c +, b); d.closePath(); if (j) { d.fill(); } if (g) { d.stroke(); } } ; window._$1w._$30 = function(a) { a.addEventListener('keydown', function(a) { a.stopPropagation(); return false; }, false); a.addEventListener('keypress', function(a) { a.stopPropagation(); return false; }, false); a.addEventListener('keyup', function(a) { a.stopPropagation(); return false; }, false); a.addEventListener('input', function(a) { a.stopPropagation(); return false; }, false); } ; window._$1w._$3g = function(a) { a._$1g = function() { = "auto"; var a = this.scrollHeight; var b = this.clientHeight; if (b != a) { = a + 6; return 1; } return 0; } ; a.addEventListener("input", function(b) { var a = this.value; this._$1g(); } .bind(a)); } ; window._$1w._$l = function(a, b) { a._$37 = b; a._$1g = function() { = "auto"; var a = this.scrollHeight; var b = this.clientHeight; if (b != a) { = a + 6; return 1; } return 0; } ; a.addEventListener("input", function(b) { var a = this.value; if (a.length > this._$37) { this.value = a.substring(0, this._$37); } this._$1g(); } .bind(a)); return 0; } ; window._$1w._$i = function(c, a) { for (var b in a.prototype) { if (a.prototype.hasOwnProperty(b)) { c.prototype[b] = a.prototype[b]; } } return c; } ; window._$1w._$1u = function(c) { if (typeof c != "number") { return "--:--"; } var b = Math.floor(c / 60); var a = parseInt((c).mod(60)); if (b < 10) { b = "0" + b; } if (a < 10) { a = "0" + a; } return b + ":" + a; } ; window._$1w._$M = function(b, c) { for (var a in c) { if (a in b) { if (typeof (b[a]) == "object" && typeof (c[a]) == "object") { window._$1w._$M(b[a], c[a]); continue; } } b[a] = c[a]; } return b; } ; document.cE2 = function(b, c) { var a = document.createElement(b); a.className = c; return a; } ; window._$J = {}; window._$J._$2k = function() { var a = "Unknown"; if ("username"in window.localStorage) { a = window.localStorage.username; } if ("username"in window["SERVERDATA"]) { a = window["SERVERDATA"]["username"]; } return a; } ; window._$J._$1V = function() { var a = 1; if ("level"in window["SERVERDATA"]) { a = window["SERVERDATA"]["level"]; } return a; } ; window._$J._$3y = function() { var a = "gpop"; if ("dancer"in window["SERVERDATA"]) { a = window["SERVERDATA"]["dancer"]; } return a; } ; window._$1w._$2V = 2 * Math.PI; window._$1w._$25 = function(a) { return Math.round(Math.cos(a) * 127 + 128); } ; window._$1w._$2T = function(a) { var b = window._$1w._$25(a) , c = window._$1w._$25(a + window._$1w._$2V / 3) , d = window._$1w._$25(a + window._$1w._$2V / 3 * 2); return 'rgb( ' + b + ',' + c + ',' + d + ' )'; } ; window.debug = {}; window.debug.debug = true; window.debug.print = function() { if (window.debug.debug != true) { return 0; } console.log.apply(this, arguments); } ; window._$2g = false; if (window._$2g == false) { console.log2 = console.log; console.log = function() {} ; console._$10 = function() {} ; console._$1n = function() {} ; } else { console.log2 = console.log; console._$10 = function() { if (window._$2g != true) { return 0; } console.log2.apply(this, arguments); } ; console._$1n = function(a) { if (window._$2g != true) { return 0; } console.log2.apply(this, a); } ; }